10 Signs You’re a Pediatric Physical Therapist

In honor of National Physical Therapy Month (yay October!), I will do some fun/informative posts.

So with that, here is my first fun post of the month: 10 signs that you’re a Pediatric Physical Therapist 😀


10- You are used to answering the question, “What?? Why do kids need physical therapy?” after someone asks what you do.

9- You get excited to wear fun socks to work because let’s face it, you barely wear your shoes at work anyway.

8- No matter how your hair is styled for the day, by the end of the day, your hair will be tied back in a pony tail.

7- You have your standard 5 nursery rhyme songs you know by heart and can sing all day long.

6- You have at least 1 toy rolling around in your car.

5- You’re a pro at walking in a squatting position and walking backwards down stairs.

4- You are able to use 1 toy for a minimum of 5 different activities.

3- You know how to sign for “more” and “all done.” (you probably just read this again and did the sign with your hands 🙂 )

2- You’ve developed cat-like reflexes to dodge flying toys and to catch falling children.

andddd last but not least!

1- You still get excited every time one of your patients reaches a new milestone 😀


Feel free to add to this list if you are a pediatric physical therapist!

And for more information on what a pediatric PT does, refer to my previous post here.

Categories: Humor in pediatrics

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17 replies

  1. You get excited when your patient does anything new even when it isn’t a milestone (but is a prerequisite).

    You dress like a little child (all glammed up) because your patients love it and work better with you.


  2. Your work clothes are machine washable, (because they have been used by children as a napkin or tissue).
    You love scooter board activities as much as the kids!


  3. You always have extra clothes with you in case of an accident. You also know the hand sign for stop!


  4. You onlly have to look to your white knees in your trousers


  5. This really put a smile on my face! Thank you to all the pediatric PT’s & OT’s around the country that help meet the needs of so many families. Working with many of you is something we at Beds By George are extremely thankful for…thankful that there is a group that cares as much as you do. Hopefully we remember to appreciate you more than just this October!


  6. Thank you for all your contributions and replies! Feel free to continue adding to the list 🙂


  7. You can tell the difference between a tired cry, an angry cry and a hurt cry in any child.


    • If you’ve ever jokingly described your work as basically getting paid to make other peoples babies cry for their own good when truthfully the only REAL payday is the double fist pump excitment from the first independent transition, step, kick, Giantbhug at the door & that special little inside joke between you&your buddy


  8. Ha-love #4….. im all about the 3 peice kit: 6″step stool, 5pool dive rings, 4″ cones & of course my 3 fav songs….. I can go from elevated sit, to SLS work to full obstacle course with these 3!


  9. If you know all the characters for the most poplar kids shows and Disney movies!


  10. If no matter where you are, you are more comfortable sitting on the floor.


  11. If the knees on all your pants are worn from crawling on the floor with kids!


  12. Great article. Valuable tips.


  13. You don’t wear clothes you don’t mind throwing away…you go through the knees of your pants first and fast..your knees are bruised/discolored….you don’t mind drool that isn’t yours or your child’s…you keep spare clothes in your trunk….you think the best part of the job is you get paid to play with bubbles!!



  1. Physical therapy month fun check list | PEDI Center for Therapy

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